• How to distinguish the quality of the data line

    • source: Tina Yuan;
    • Time: 9/27/2019 11:07:25 PM
  • 1. From the aspect of interface. The connectors of common data lines are all metal, and good data line generally adopts the integrated pressing process at the joint. It is neat and bright, compact and durable, and the insulation layer is soft and tightly matched with the wire.
    2.From the aspect of the appearance. The outer skin layer of common data lines is the most intuitive part for observing a data line. Data lines of high quality are highly elastic and of high strength, which feel smooth, safe and non-toxic, and will not cause any harm or stimulation to human skin. However, inferior data lines feel raw, because they are mostly made of plastic. This kind of lines is cheap, but will do harm to the environment, so when you are buying a data line, you must touch and feel it as possible as you can.
    3.From the aspect of the length. The general data line can be said to be a resistor. The shorter the data line is, the smaller its resistance will become, and the faster the charging speed will be. So ignore whether the data line is long or short when choosing.
    4.From the aspect of the inner core. Generally speaking the conductor material of data line diameter has a great influence on the current.The quality of the core directly determines the speed of the charging, and a good data line usually uses a relatively high-quality thick copper core, which can guarantee fast charging speed. The core of USB data cables made of qualified copper should be purple and shiny, feeling soft. The copper core of the inferior cables seems purple-black, yellowish or white, showing many impurities, like poor mechanical strength, poor toughness, and breaking easily when a little force is applied. There is often a wire break in the wire. When choosing a data line, peel off the USB data cable for just 2cm, then use a piece of white paper to rub the copper core slightly. If there is black material on the white paper, it means that there are more impurities in the copper core. The core of the data line can not be directly seen by the naked eye, so try to select a heavy, thick and tough one.
